Cat Food Bank Needs Your Donations to Help Feed Hungry Kittens

Cat Food Bank Needs Your Donations to Help Feed Hungry Kittens


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Flickr: Captpiper

Though the economy has taken a toll on many families and their beloved cats, there is always help you can get to keep your kitties fed. Cats do not deserve to be hungry because of the economy. That's why many non-profit organizations have stepped up to help including Cat Adoption Team that has been gathering generous donations from millions to provide food and assistance to low-income or unemployed cat owners.

Cat Adoption Team's Cat food bank has provided more than 24,500 pounds of food to feed hundreds of thousands of cats in Oregon, US since June this year. They provide food for people who may not be able to afford pet food from the regular stores.

(Play the video below to check out Cat Adoption Team's Cat food bank:)

This December Cat Adoption Team brought over 2,100 pounds of cat food which was enough to feed 272 hungry kittens, but only 6 pounds of food was left on the shelves at the end of the day . They need 2,500 pounds of food before the New Year, so no kitties will go hungry in this winter.

They are looking for litter donations and food donations. If you could help you can visit their website at

Also you can help by playing Meow Trivia game. Each day you play Meow Trivia, will provide free kibbles to animal shelters and feed lots of hungry kittens and cats.

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