Cat Found Outside Bagel Shop Clings to Her Rescuer After She Saved Her Life…

Cat Found Outside Bagel Shop Clings to Her Rescuer After She Saved Her Life…


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A cat was found outside a Bagel shop in need of a lot of TLC. A woman brought her home, and the kitty snuggled up to her, purring up a storm.

Meet Cookie aka Queenie.

"This was as close as I could get, which in retrospect was fairly close for a supposedly feral stray. Little did I know then, that she was not feral at all."Lydia Dobkowski

The sad-looking kitty had been living at a local Bagel Shop for four years. Though they had been feeding her and even built a cat house for her, they didn't know what else they could do to help.

"None of them are cat savvy, and they didn't know what to do with her," Lydia Dobkowski shares with Love Meow.

The kind woman stopped in for a croissant a month ago and saw the kitty in very poor shape. "I just took a TNR class last weekend, so I offered to trap and vet her…. The Bagel Shop people were very happy to let me scoop her up."

First night in the trap at the veterinary hospital. Lydia Dobkowski

She got the kitty the same day, took her to the vet to have her treated. Cookie immediately started purring and cuddling with her rescuer as if she was starved of attention.

The vet discovered that the cat was pregnant, had no teeth, and her left ear flap was unsalvageable and needed to be surgically removed. She had injury in her chest and was breathing heavily due to a raging upper respiratory infection.

Lydia Dobkowski

She took the cat home that day, anticipating for the kittens to come, but they never did. Her babies didn't survive due to a pyometra infection. After emergency surgery, they had her spayed, fixed her ear flap, gave her full dental x-rays, and saved her life!

Cookie began to recover and bounce back!

Lydia Dobkowski

As soon as Cookie came out of her carrier, she started to purr and demanded lap time with her rescuer. She clung to her foster mom for hours and didn't want her to move.

"This little lover finally settled in to the life of luxury."

Lydia Dobkowski

"Three days post surgery and she was already back to her normal self." A week later, she couldn't get enough of belly rubs and chin scratches. "She won't move if you are in the room, but she won't shy away if you approach for pets."

Then they discovered Cookie's love for canine friends. Her foster mom's dog adores her, too. "He constantly begs to go in her room."

Lydia Dobkowski

"Bagel Shop people are on board with her going up for adoption as a house cat. Without teeth it's hard to tell her age. But we are thinking between 5 and 8 years," she said.

"Belly scratches usually result in big leg stretches. I've never seen a cat so thankful for a life inside one bathroom."

Lydia Dobkowski

"She can't open her eyes fully, so she always looks a bit grumpy."

Cookie is loving the basket and her new life.

Lydia Dobkowski

Cookie is all healed up now!

"She has an appetite like nothing I've ever seen. She loves food and food is the way to her heart."

Lydia Dobkowski

Now completely pain free, Cookie, who didn't want her head or face to be touched, loves chin scratches and gives headbutts.

"Senior cats have a very special place in my heart. I love her to pieces. I can't wait to find her a furrever home," she said.

Lydia Dobkowski

The once sad looking kitty has transformed into a happy, purry, healthy cat.

Lydia Dobkowski

Share this story with your friends. If you are interested in adopting Cookie, you can contact Lydia at

(More info: reddit)

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