Cats Looking Through Back Gate

Cats Looking Through Back Gate


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Adrian Campfield has captured many photos of his cats and his neighbor's cats staring through the crack of his backyard fence/gate. The images are absolutely stunning.

"The cat on the left is Smokey (who sadly passed away last year) and Charlie who is looking through the gate. I had to wait for months on and off to get this image it was all worth it in the end I won the trophy from the "Cats Protection League" two years ago," says Campfield.

"This was one of the last shots that I took of Charlie before she passed away almost two years ago now, that was our old back gate and she always used to look through it. This had to be posted as a tribute!"

Photos and story courtesy of ©Adrian Campfield. You can visit his website here.

"When Charlie was alive, she use to try and put her head through the crack in our back gate but this I feel sums up her character, and I had to wait days for this to happen like this but I finally got the shot!"

"I was going through my old images of Charlie and this was one of the last shots that I took of her."

"This is our neighbour's cat peeping through the slit in the gate!"

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