Hairless Kitten Who Was Given Up to Shelter, Finds Love, She Returns the Favor By ‘Nursing’ Animals In Need...

Hairless Kitten Who Was Given Up to Shelter, Finds Love, She Returns the Favor By ‘Nursing’ Animals In Need...


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A sweet hairless kitten who was surrendered to a shelter because she had a medical condition, was given a second chance at life by someone who would not give up on her.

Meet Raisin!

Raising Raisin

Raisin is a Sphynx cat who was given up to a local rescue group because of her severe medical eye issues. Helping Hands Pet Rescue immediately took her into their care and began treating her eye ulcer.

"It was so bad that they anticipated removal of one eye. A vet student who volunteered with the group fostered her through this process, her eye required aggressive treatment and was treated at AVS-Affiliated Veterinary Specialists Animal Hospital in Gainesville (FL)," Ruth Heffernan told Love Meow.

With the vet student's dedication, Raisin was able to keep her eye with minimal scarring.

Raising Raisin

Ruth, a vet tech at the Animal Medical Clinic of Gulf Gate in Sarasota (FL) met little Raisin and fell in love. She offered to give her a forever home. From that day on, Raisin clung to her human mom and even insisted to come to work with her every day.

She loves to meet clients and patients, and the sweet kitty has a soft spot for those in need.

Raising Raisin

Whenever there are patients coming into the clinic, Raisin greets them and helps them feel more comfortable.

"The clinic is her second home and the staff there is her 'second' family. Raisin likes to hang out in the reception a lot and likes to meet clients coming and going," Ruth told Love Meow.

Raising Raisin

"She loves to be in the back prep area with us sometimes (when appropriate) and seems to help distract our patients when doing nail trims or pulling blood. She also loves looking at X-Rays when they are up on the screen."

The sweet little gal loves big dogs. When there's one that needs some extra TLC, Nurse Raisin comes to help.

Raising Raisin

She hops onto the X-Ray table to give the big fluffy patient some support before the procedure.

Her purrs and snuggles help calm the big fella. Grizzly Adams is so happy to have Nurse Raisin there for him.

Raising Raisin

"She has an Exam Room that is basically hers that she knows she has to go into when we are really busy. It's full of toys and a couple of boxes from our food/medication deliveries that she made her own," Ruth told Love Meow.

Raisin comforts another patient at the clinic with a few headbutts.

Raising Raisin

Raisin has a few favorite patients... one of them is blind pitbull.

Raising Raisin

She seems to be able to sense if a patient is in distress and always goes to comfort them and ease their anxiety.

Raisin giving a puppy some love, telling him everything is going to be all right.

Raising Raisin

The adorable Sphynx has become the Clinic Mascot and people love to come and meet her.

When patients return, they are always glad to see their feline friend, Nurse Raisin.

Raising Raisin

Over a year ago, they rescued Raisin and found her a loving home...

The sweet kitty is returning the favor by helping those in need and giving them the same love that she received.

Raising Raisin

Nurse Raisin and Fenway a rescued blind Pitbull who was in for surgery!

From Raisin's Facebook page: "Fenway instantly fell in love with me and when Mom would pick me up he would moan and look for me! We played together and he was so gentle with me. Mommy said 'A Sphynx and a Pitbull what a beautiful but unusual mix!'"

Share this story with your friends. Follow Raisin and her adventures on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Stray Cat Wanders into Nursing Home and Decides to Work There...

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