Kitten Born Blind Clings to Woman Who Saved Her Life and Won't Let Go

Kitten Born Blind Clings to Woman Who Saved Her Life and Won't Let Go


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A 3-week-old kitten was found wandering the streets all alone in Massachusetts. She was taken to a shelter where they discovered that she had been born without sight.

Tara Kay

Tara Kay, founder of The Odd Cat Sanctuary, received a message about the special needs kitten needing rescue. She knew that she had to save her before it was too late.

The kitten named Ethel is completely blind due to a congenital condition. She also has hydrocephalus, the buildup of fluid in the brain.

When Nicole, a volunteer of the Odd Cat Sanctuary, arrived to pick up the kitten from the shelter, she was stunned by the loud meows coming from the tiny bundle of fur. "The kitten screamed to be picked up and then was content and started purring when she was held," Tara told Love Meow.

Tara Kay

The tiny kitten has quite the cattitude. She will meow incessantly until she's cuddled and loved.

"She would be happy being carried 24/7," Tara said. "She likes to be cuddled into sweatshirts or close to your face. She's so cute the way she demands to be held."

Tara Kay

Ethel quickly figured out how to use the litter box and mapped out the area in her room. "She can get around even though she can't see. She seems to sniff the air to guide herself."

Nothing makes her happier than snuggling with her foster mom. When Ethel wants something, she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Tara Kay

Watch Ethel's journey in this video:

Being blind has never been an issue for the kitten as she is very adaptable and can "see" in her own ways.

Ethel uses her other heightened senses to help her navigate. She's learned to drink water all by herself.

Tara Kay

"She's a fighter and survivor beating the odds on the streets, and she's bold and knows what she wants, and is not afraid to ask or demand," Tara told Love Meow.

Ethel, now four weeks old, is tiny but fierce.

Tara Kay

"She loves to eat and play. Once she's held, she just purrs," Tara added.

Tara Kay

They took a chance on the sweet blind kitten when others had given up on her.

Little Ethel loves to talk and is a bit clingy. She never thinks she's any different and can do anything just like other kitties.

Tara Kay

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Ethel on Instagram and Facebook. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Related story: Kitten Becomes Seeing Eye Companion to Blind Cat Who Was Found on Streets Just Like Her

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