Kitten Who Can't See, Finds Love for the First Time and Can't Get Enough of It

Kitten Who Can't See, Finds Love for the First Time and Can't Get Enough of It


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A tiny blind kitten was found wandering alone on the streets of San Jose, California. She was so scared until she came to a foster home, where she found love.

Saving Grace Rescue

When Ducky the kitten arrived at the San Jose shelter, she was terrified by all the unfamiliar sounds and smells. She cowered in a corner, trying everything she could to hide. The little tabby was just skin and bones and desperately needed medical attention.

"The shelter thought she was a munchkin because she was so tucked up and scared that her legs looked short," Amber Rose, founder of Saving Grace Rescue, told Love Meow. "I think the shelter environment scared her."

Amber took her into their feline rescue in San Francisco and placed her in a loving foster home where she would be cared for by a dedicated volunteer.

Saving Grace Rescue

As soon as she had her own space, her demeanor completely changed. Ducky was able to stand up tall and started meowing nonstop, demanding attention.

The kitten has lost most of her vision due to a congenital condition called Feline Eyelid Agenesis, in which the eyelid doesn't form properly during development. "She was very sick and had the largest worms, heavy parasite load that we have ever seen in a kitten. We almost lost her twice," Amber added.

Saving Grace Rescue

During her first month in foster care with Sarah, the little tabby never stopped fighting to get better.

"Her will is amazingly strong. She was so weak but kept asking for love and food," Amber told Love Meow. "By 'asking', I mean 'yelling.' She yells to be picked up and yells when she needs to go to the litter box then yells to be picked up again."

Joyce @kangaroothekitty

Once Ducky was nursed back to health, she became active and even started to play, but what she loved the most was to have someone to cuddle.

Joyce, a foster of Saving Grace Rescue, took the kitten home to socialize (with help from her own cats). Ducky immediately snuggled up to her for some much-needed cuddle time. (Scroll down for video)

Joyce @kangaroothekitty

"Ducky is so sweet. Every time you pick her up, she's purring," Joyce told Love Meow. "She has some lungs on her, and will cry to be picked up."

Joyce knitted a kitty-sized sweater for the sweet girl. She loved it and fell asleep in it, purring in pure bliss.

Joyce @kangaroothekitty

Ducky will receive reconstructive eyelid surgery in the near future so that she will live the rest of her life pain-free. Despite being blind, she has no trouble getting around and can do anything just like other kitties.

The little snuggle-bug loves people and wants to be held all the time. Once she discovered love, she was hooked!

Joyce @kangaroothekitty

Follow updates on Ducky on Facebook and Instagram @kangaroothekitty. Follow Saving Grace Rescue on Facebook. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Watch this adorable little girl in this cute video:

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Related story: Blind Kitten Found Alone on Streets Can't Stop Thanking her Humans for Saving Her Life

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