Blind Kitten Found Alone on Streets Can't Stop Giving Love and Cuddles for Saving Her Life

Blind Kitten Found Alone on Streets Can't Stop Giving Love and Cuddles for Saving Her Life


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A black and white kitten was spotted all by herself near a shop. A kind lady found the little wanderer and quickly noticed that she was blind.

Crystal Mackey

The lady reached out to CatRescue 901, a local rescue group in New South Wales, Australia, which is known for saving blind kittens and cats. Despite being sightless, the kitty never slowed down and was eager to give everyone snuggles and kisses.

They named her Elsa, and found her a foster home with Crystal Mackey who had cared for blind kittens for the rescue before. "From the very first photo, I fell in love with Elsa. She was so small and vulnerable," Crystal told Love Meow.

Elsa was born with a pair of underdeveloped eyeballs. She is completely blind and was in need of surgery to make her feel comfortable and prevent future infections.

Crystal Mackey

When Crystal first met Elsa, she was surprised by her petite stature. The tuxedo girl was just the size of her hand. Elsa was very vocal and constantly seeking attention.

"She slept most of the drive home, but at one point she woke up crying. My brother took her out of the carer and cuddled her. I talked to her while I was driving and she was very responsive, meowing back and purring," Crystal added.

Crystal Mackey

"It was then obvious that she had a neurological condition as well - her little head was bobbling non-stop. The bobbling made her so endearing, it was love at first sight."

Elsa was very brave from day one. She mastered the litter box without the need for sight. Her amazing sense of smell helped her navigate and map the location she was in. "The hardest challenge was that she couldn't seem to locate sounds. Slowly, she learnt how to play with toys and walk in a (mostly) straight line."

Crystal Mackey

The beautiful blind girl doesn't think that she's any different. She maps her area and runs around just like other cats.

"Neither condition affects her ability to be a normal, playful kitten who uses her litter trays perfectly. Most of all, she is the best cuddler and kisser I've ever met. She really won't leave you alone when you're sitting with her," Crystal added.

Crystal Mackey

Elsa is an indoor cat but she gets excited every time she goes on walks in the backyard with Crystal.

Once she learned that she could run freely on the grass without bumping into furniture or walls, she ran at full speed and hopped around on the lawn in pure bliss.

Video: Elsa enjoys getting some of her pent up energy out!

"I nicknamed Elsa, velcro cat, as she was often attached to Crystal's neck," Jenny Storaker, Co-director of CatRescue 901, told Love Meow.

It's her favorite perching spot.

Crystal Mackey

When Elsa was ready for adoption, Crystal thought that it was time to find her her forever home.

"It wasn't until Crystal was faced with someone meeting Elsa that she realized that she couldn't let her go," Jenny said. "It was obvious that they were meant for each other."

Crystal Mackey

It's been almost two years since Elsa was found. She has been Crystal's most loyal companion. When they had a new baby in the family, she showered him with snuggles and all the love she could give.

"Elsa is a little miracle kitty - she grew into such a precious girl who is grateful for every day. She never stops cuddling, kissing and playing," Crystal told Love Meow.

Crystal Mackey

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow CatRescue 901 on Facebook and Cat Refuge.

Related story: Family Adopts Blind Cat and Takes Him to Shelter to Find Friend He's Been Longing for

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