Kitten Cried to Woman for Help While She Was Traveling Overseas - She Couldn't Leave the Kitty There

Kitten Cried to Woman for Help While She Was Traveling Overseas - She Couldn't Leave the Kitty There


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Anastasia Kordomenos from Michigan was visiting Greece this summer when she was alerted about a kitten needing rescue near an apartment complex in Xiropigado.

Anastasia Kordomenos

"When we found her, she was extremely malnourished and she couldn't even open her eyes because they were so badly infected," Anastasia told Love Meow.

The kitten was found in a garden without a mother in sight. Her eyes were swollen and crusted over. She kept meowing pathetically for help until Anastasia scooped her up and held her in her arms.

"There were some tossed away baby clothes in a crate nearby so I grabbed an old jumper and wrapped her in it."

Anastasia Kordomenos

Anastasia took the kitten to the vet as soon as she found one that was open. They cleaned her eyes and got her the medications she needed for her recovery.

"She started out very shy and wanted to sleep under my neck all the time," Anastasia said.

Anastasia Kordomenos

The kitten whom they named Moira, finally got a full belly. She started purring for the first time and fell asleep on her rescuer.

"She was so small and scared, and it was the most amazing feeling to give her that safety and security," Anastasia told Love Meow. "She will never face hardship again as she did in the first few weeks of her life."

Anastasia Kordomenos

The kitten was given ointment for her eyes, plenty of nutritious food to help her get stronger, and a lot of cuddles and love.

After several baths, Moira was finally flea-free!

Anastasia Kordomenos

"Her eyes cleaned up in a matter of days, and her personality was shining through," Anastasia said.

As soon as she got better, she wanted to play.

Anastasia Kordomenos

That's when they introduced her to their rescued Chihuahua, Kobe. The two quickly became close friends.

Moira would follow him and try to play with him, and Kobe would tolerate her every antic and be there for her when she needed a nap buddy.

Anastasia Kordomenos

"She is quite rambunctious! I've never seen a kitten that runs so fast or plays so intensely."

Watch her rescue journey in this video:

When summer was almost over, it was time to get Moira home!

"Flying home was a process, I already had my Chihuahua with me so I had to get her a passport and vaccinated," Anastasia told Love Meow. "They flew together in the same carrier... she was so small."

Anastasia Kordomenos

Moira arrived at her new home in Michigan with her best friend Kobe.

They welcomed her with a big teddy bear. She loved it so much that she started kneading it and purring herself to sleep.

Anastasia Kordomenos

Moira has made a remarkable transformation. She's still the tiniest one in the house but the most energetic.

"She loves to run and climb, anything that involves chasing a toy or string, and is very feisty!"

Anastasia Kordomenos

"I didn't think she'd make it off the beach where I found her," Anastasia said. "From near death to full health, it's already been an amazing recovery!"

Anastasia Kordomenos

Share this story with your friends. Follow Moira and her adventures on Instagram.

Related story: Cat Comforts Orphaned Kitten and Teaches Him How to Cuddle Every Day

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