Dog Misses His Old Cat Until a Tiny Kitten Shows Up Needing a Mom

Dog Misses His Old Cat Until a Tiny Kitten Shows Up Needing a Mom


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Ralph the dog was missing his best friend, Ruby the cat, after she passed away two months ago.

When his owner Kara talked to him about getting another cat, he wagged his tail and answered with high-fives.

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

Kara began to look for a kitten and came across a foster kitty named Miss Vanjie, who shared similar markings as Ralph. She was instantly smitten.

She went to visit the kitten and realized that she was not in good shape. "She was the runt of the litter. She was anemic and weak. The mother cat had pushed her away much too early and she was fading," Kara told Love Meow.

The kitten needed someone to care for her, so Kara offered to take her home that day. With good food and supplements, the kitten bounced back in 24 hours.

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

When Kara introduced Ralph to the kitten, his face lit up and went straight into mama mode. The little calico snuggled up to him, and the two instantly bonded.

"She decided quickly that this gentle giant is her Mom and he could not be more proud," Kara told Love Meow.

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

"He is patient and lets her eat from his food bowl. I've had two cats before and I never saw a bond like this," Kara added.

"When Miss Vanjie watches him which is almost always, she is clearly in love with him."

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

Since then, the two best friends have been inseparable. Ralph watches over his kitten every step of the way, and Vanjie follows him around the house.

"Every day, they make my day. If I call one, they both come and she's only been here almost three weeks," Kara added.

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

Ralph is always near, keeping an eye on his kitten when she is playing.

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

Nap time is never alone any more.

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

"The family resemblance is undeniable."

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

Ralph has been with cats all his life. After he lost Ruby, he was very down, but now he's got his smile back.

Miss Vanjie adores her new family, especially Ralph.

Miss Vanjie and Ralph @missvanjieandmamaralph

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Related story: Orphan Kitten Walks Up to Dog Who Lost Her Pups, and Becomes Her Kitten

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