Dwarf Kitten Found Living Under a Shed, Discovers Cuddles for the First Time

Dwarf Kitten Found Living Under a Shed, Discovers Cuddles for the First Time


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A tiny kitten was found under a shed along with her brother in a wooded area in Northern Arizona.

When she was rescued and brought to a foster home, they noticed something very special about her.

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

Ashley Wikfors and her neighbors were trying to rescue two kittens that had come to the neighbors' backyard and decided to live under their shed.

The boy kitten (Meeko) was caught first (with a humane trap) but it took another two weeks for the neighbors to find the second kitten. Ashley took Meeko home and started socializing him before finding him a forever home a couple weeks later.

By the time her neighbors trapped the second kitten, they immediately noticed just how much smaller she was.

"When I started caring for her (and treating her eye infection) I noticed some very odd things about her," Ashely told Love Meow.

The kitten had a flat face, few teeth, small ears and a different way of walking. They worried that she might have some genetic issues, so took her to the vet.

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

"Our vet checked her out and could find nothing wrong and told me that she is a very rare dwarf cat," Ashley added.

"I was so elated that he told me she was healthy!"

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

They named the kitten Potato, and the tiny bundle of fur quickly grew very attached to her foster family.

"Potato is very demanding and meows all the time but loves to snuggle and play. She is fearless and loves to chase our dogs," Ashley told Love Meow.

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

They were going to find the kitten a forever home when she was ready, but little Potato had a plan of her own.

She would only nap in their arms and follow them around the house.

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

Nap time is always cuddle time.

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

"My husband (Levi) and I fell in love with her and couldn't part with her," Ashley told Love Meow.

Potato became a permanent part of their big family.

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

The sweet kitten has many canine and feline friends (all rescues from different situations) to play with.

She may be the smallest, but the biggest cuddler of all.

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

"We live in a wooded area that is less than a mile from the national forest. It's amazing she survived in the woods for as long as she did because we have lots of wildlife."

At around 12 weeks old, Potato only weighs 1.2 pounds. She's tiny but mighty.

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

The little kitten who was rescued from under a shed, is now thriving in a place she calls home. "She's a very happy kitten and loves to play!"

Different is beautiful!

Ashley Wikfors @wikforsandcompany

Follow Potato and her adventures on Instagram.

Watch Potato in this adorable video:

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Related story: Kitten with Large Head and Small Body Determined to Grow Despite the Odds

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