Rescued Kitten Clings to Everyone Until He Finds a Friend He’s Been Waiting For

Rescued Kitten Clings to Everyone Until He Finds a Friend He’s Been Waiting For


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An orange and white kitten was found wandering outside by himself. From the first day at his foster home, he was determined that he would never be alone any more.

The kitten named Willie would wrap his arms around his foster mom and wouldn't let her go.


Willie was three weeks old when he was brought to Austin Animal Center in Austin, Texas. They placed him in a foster home with another kitten, who was later transferred to a specialized rescue due to her health condition.

Little Willie found himself without a kitty friend and became extremely clingy to his humans. "He would start crying the second he was alone and not being held," Alexia, foster of Austin Animal Center, told Love Meow.

Alexia got some help from her sisters so they could take turns cuddling with Willie as the kitten demanded their full attention and was afraid of being alone.


"After two weeks of him being with me 24/7, Harry came along," Alexia added.

Harry the tuxedo was brought to the shelter after he was found in the bushes. The little bundle of fluff was very shy but couldn't resist cuddles.


When Willie met his new feline friend, he was over the moon, followed him everywhere he went and showered him with love and cuddles. "The picture of them sleeping together was taken on the first night. They are a perfect balance for each other," Alexia told Love Meow.

Willie wrapped his arm around his new brother and fell asleep together.


"Harry is the older brother that knew how to be a cat but more shy and Willie is the weird alien baby that showed Harry how to get in trouble and be more outgoing," Alexia said.

"Willie would lead Harry around our house and they slept together everyday."


The moment they found each other, it was a perfect match.

The two best friends are like two peas in a pod, completely inseparable.


When the kittens were old enough for adoption, they went home together with an amazing family.

The two brothers from different mothers constantly fill their house with purrs and cuddles.


Wherever Harry is, Willie is there wrapped up around him, purring up a storm.


"Willie is still the clingiest cat and demands to be held," Alexia added.

Now he has his best buddy with him every single day, and he couldn't be happier.


Follow Alexia's foster kitties on Instagram

Watch them in this cute video:

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Related story: Man Gave Kitten a Home and The Kitty Replaced His Personal Space With Cuddles

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