calico cat rescued from being wedged between sheds

Kitten Found Wedged Between Sheds, the Moment She is Finally in Her Rescuer’s Arms..


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Right before Christmas last year, Pam Ahern of Edgar's Mission, an animal sanctuary in Victoria, Australia, received a call about a tiny kitten stuck between two tin sheds. They knew they had to help!

Photo: Edgar's Mission

"We were to learn that the little mite had been trapped there for at least two days with her pitiful cries desperately pleading for help," Edgar's Mission said.

When Ahern and her team of rescuers got to the place, they could spot the tiny kitten through a narrow space. "The kind heart who had reached out for our help had already began pulling palings from a fence and removing scathes of ivy before we arrived…"

[Scroll down for video]

Pam Ahern looking down between the sheds, trying to locate the kitten.

Photo: Edgar's Mission

The space between the two sheds was so narrow that the kitten was wedged and couldn't move.

"The only way she could have gotten into the space was from falling from the roof, and sadly she had fallen so far down that nothing could be passed from the top to retrieve her."

Photo: Edgar's Mission

Ahern and her team started finding a solution to get the kitten out as the poor thing meowed loudly to be freed. They knew they had to get the kitten out before the heat got to her.

Finally they got permission to dismantle one of the sheds. The rescuers gently peeled back a panel and made enough room for Ahern to probe for the tiny kitten.

"I've got her!"

Photo: Edgar's Mission

Once the kitten was in the safe arms of her rescuer, they covered her with a towel to calm her nerves. Knowing that the little buddy was in good hands, it gave them a huge relief and such joy.

Watch the full rescue in this video:

They brought her back to Edgar's Mission.

Photo: Edgar's Mission

She was named Tinsel.

She was given a bottle of food, a warm bed and a stuffed toy to cuddle with.

Photo: Edgar's Mission

Tinsel snuggling with her friend at her new home in the sanctuary.

Photo: Edgar's Mission

A couple weeks after she was rescued. Tinsel had come out of her shell!

Photo: Edgar's Mission

This is Tinsel now and her best friend.

Photo: Edgar's Mission

What a wonderful ending! Share this story with your friends! You can send your support to Edgar's Mission at this link. Thanks to Cats, Beavers and Ducks for the story!

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