What Difference Love Makes in Just One Day for This Little Stray!

What Difference Love Makes in Just One Day for This Little Stray!


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This is the difference love can make in just one day. A tiny dirty stray kitten was roaming around at an apartment building on June 20.

"There are a lot of self-reliant ferals around our apartment, but this little thing was dirty & covered in burrs. We gave him some chicken but couldn't catch him. I think he may have wandered over from the outdoor cat hoarder colony down the street," violetohara wrote at tumblr.

A neighbor finally managed to capture the kitten. "I put him on this cozy towel and started combing and picking the burrs and sticks out of his fur. He calmed down immediately and has been chilling here with me in the kitchen ever since," she added.

That's when the little kitten stole her heart completely.

They rushed the kitten to the vet to get him cleaned up and checked out. "I hope he isn't too sick; I think he might have a cold," she wrote before the vet appointment.

The next day, she updated on the kitten on her blog. "What a difference a day makes! Took this little guy to the vet, got the fleas and dirt washed off him, got some antibiotics for a slight cold, but he is otherwise fine."

"Kneading and purring up a storm, eating a lot and being heart-crushingly adorable."

"Thank you human for saving my life!"

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