Kitten Showed Up at Hotel Then Found Someone He Loved 3 Years Later - He Didn't Want to Let Go

Kitten Showed Up at Hotel Then Found Someone He Loved 3 Years Later - He Didn't Want to Let Go


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Gizmo was a kitten when he was found at a hotel. Over the next three years, he watched other kitties get adopted but he stayed behind.

Jenny @friendsofbrunoblindcat

Gizmo was a few weeks old when he showed up at a hotel in Paphos, Cyprus along with his sickly siblings. Hotel staff reached out to Tala Monastery Cats, a local cat rescue and sanctuary, for help.

The rescue immediately offered to take them in as some of the kittens had a severe case of eye infections. "They were brought to us not long after and work began to save them," the rescue wrote.

Gizmo's eyes were in a much better state than his siblings. In one week, he bounced back on his paws and his personality started to shine.

Tala Monastery Cats

With tireless efforts from rescuers, Gizmo and his litter mates all made a full recovery.

The sweet kitty was a cuddle-bug from the start. He adored every visitor and volunteer he came across. If he found an empty lap, he would be sure to hop on it and keep it occupied and warm.

Tala Monastery Cats

When he was not snuggling with a friend, he would sneak into every doorway in an attempt to get a snack.

"He had an amazing personality that we thought he would be snapped up, but one by one, his siblings all found homes and he stayed behind."

Tala Monastery Cats

Three years later, Gizmo had grown up but still found himself waiting for his forever human to come. He continued to jump on visitors' laps every day, hoping someone would take him home.

Earlier this year, Jenny from the UK was visiting the sanctuary during her vacation in Cyprus. "The cats all have their pick of comfy beds, water fountains and places to climb — everywhere you look, there are cats chilling out, eating or playing," Jenny told Love Meow.

Tala Monastery Cats

"I wandered around, greeting cats and chatting with volunteers - they do such a hard job and care so much about the cats."

When she decided to sit down, she was immediately approached by a friendly tabby — it was Gizmo who plonked himself on her knee and started nuzzling her face.

"Even when I tried to stand up, he just made himself more comfortable."

Jenny @friendsofbrunoblindcat

Gizmo was doing what he loved — doting on visitors and hoping they would love him back. When Jenny had to leave, it was hard to say goodbye.

"For the rest of the holiday, I couldn't stop thinking about that little tabby boy. I looked through the cat park's Instagram page and found out he had been rescued from a hotel three years ago," Jenny told Love Meow.

"I couldn't understand why nobody had adopted him. He clearly had so much love to give. I decided to look into sponsoring him, since I couldn't get him out of my head."

Jenny @friendsofbrunoblindcat

After she returned home to the UK, sadly, her beloved blind cat Bruno passed away from cancer. Over the next few weeks, while Jenny was dealing with her loss, she continued to follow updates from the sanctuary. Seeing that some of the cats adopted were going to homes in the UK, Jenny immediately thought of Gizmo.

"I strongly felt like I didn't want to get another cat so soon after losing Bruno but I also felt like he'd left a massive cat-shaped hole in my life," Jenny told Love Meow.

Eventually, she found herself emailing Tala Monastery Cats. "After all, Gizmo chose me, and maybe he would help us heal after suffering such a big loss."

Jenny @friendsofbrunoblindcat

Within a few weeks, Gizmo was on his way to his forever home to start his new life with his loving family of humans, kitties and a dog. "Many tears were shed by the volunteers whilst saying goodbye to this special boy but we are so happy for him," the rescue wrote.

Jenny picked him up from the airport. As soon as they got into the car, Gizmo curled up on her lap as if he knew he was finally home.

Jenny @friendsofbrunoblindcat

"Fast forward a few months, and now I can't sit down without him draping himself across my knee, nuzzling me in the way he did when we first met in Cyprus," Jenny told Love Meow.

"I can't imagine my life without cats and dogs. My heart will always ache for the pets we've lost, but there will always be room in it for more."

Jenny @friendsofbrunoblindcat

Gizmo the cuddle-extraordinaire continues to do what he does best - keeping his humans' laps warm and filling their hearts with joy.

Jenny @friendsofbrunoblindcat

Share this story with your friends. Follow Gizmo and his friends on Instagram @friendsofbrunoblindcat.

Related story: Cat Who Was Rejected for Being a Lap Cat, Finds Family that Loves Him and Can't Stop Cuddling

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