Kitten Insists on Sitting on Every Lap He Sees After Being Rescued from the Streets

Kitten Insists on Sitting on Every Lap He Sees After Being Rescued from the Streets


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This kitten was so happy to be rescued after surviving life on the streets. He couldn't stop the cuddles.

Jen Marder

Jamie Orozco, a resident in Los Angeles, heard faint cries of a kitten one day late June. She tried to follow the tiny meows but couldn't find the kitty. A few days later, the meowing returned, and this time, Jamie could clearly hear the kitten and knew he was near.

After scouring the area, she found a tiny ball of fur on the steps of a porch by himself. The kitten had no mom or home to go to, so Jamie reached out to get the kitten help.

Ashley Kelley, a volunteer of Wrenn Rescues, quickly responded when she learned that the kitten needed round-the-clock care.

Ashley Kelley

"Since I had four other kittens his age and he was alone, I offered to take him," Ashley told Love Meow.

At six weeks old, the kitten (whom they named Mustang Bartholomew) was just half the size his age. He was tiny but had a mighty personality.

"He's the sweetest little guy I have ever met, and he is very cuddly."

Ashley Kelley

It didn't take long for the kitten to wrap his arms around his foster mom and fall fast asleep. A few days after his arrival, he was introduced to his new siblings. They quickly hit it off.

"Olivia, Ophelia, Opal and Oliver fully accepted Bartholomew as their new brother and he was already learning how to cat from them," Ashley said.

Ashley Kelley

When Bartholomew was not cuddling with his foster mom, he was snuggling in a purr pile with his adopted siblings.

If he spotted an empty lap, he would come running and insist on sitting on it and keeping it warm.

Ashley Kelley

Once the kittens graduated from their bottles, Jen Marder, a volunteer of Wrenn Rescues, took over the foster duties and began preparing the kitties for their forever homes.

When she received the little family, Bartholomew quickly stood out.

Jen Marder

He walked right up to Jen and crawled up on her lap before his siblings joined in for a group cuddle.

Watch Bartholomew the kitten in this cute video:

Kitten and his adopted feline

"He is always entertaining. He grabs life by the horns and takes everything he encounters seriously," Jen told Love Meow.

"When I come into the foster room, he comes running to greet me."

Jen Marder

Bartholomew adores his adopted litter mates. They chase each other, wrestle, and create antics everywhere they go.

But what he loves the most is a good cuddle session with his foster parents.

Jen Marder

"He always has to be part of the action. He loves to jump up onto my back and likes being loved and being close. Probably the funniest thing he does is growl at his food and his toys while he has them in his mouth."

The little guy is brave, confident and a complete cuddle-bug.

Jen Marder

The former stray and his siblings are now ready for their next chapter of life - forever homes.

Little Bartholomew continues to grab every lap he can find and will not let his humans leave without some much-needed cuddles.

Jen Marder

The porch kitten will never have to worry about food and shelter. He will always have friends to snuggle with and warm laps to sleep on.

Jen Marder

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on the foster kitties on Instagram @jenfosterskittens.

Related story: Cat Finds Love in Rescued Kittens After Living a Rough Life on the Streets

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