Couple Came to See Kitten with Injured Leg - He Curled Up in Their Arms and Wouldn't Let Go

Couple Came to See Kitten with Injured Leg - He Curled Up in Their Arms and Wouldn't Let Go


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A kitten who survived an unthinkable ordeal, found a family he had always wanted.

Jamie Adams

Two month ago, Nashville Cat Rescue saved a 4-week old kitten, Winston, who was thrown from a moving car. He was brought in with injuries, but the kitty is a fighter.

Jamie and Bryan Adams, a couple who volunteers for the rescue group, learned about his plight and immediately offered to help.

They had previously adopted a tri-pawed orange tabby named Timmy who was rescued from a similar fate. Earlier this year, Timmy sadly passed away from cancer. To cope with their loss, they began to look for a new kitty to join their family.

When they saw Winston, they just knew.

Jamie Adams

"I think it was his tenacity to fight for his tiny, brand new life that touched our hearts first, then it was those big kitten eyes and crazy Albert Einstein-esque fluff. We knew he was the total package," Jamie told Love Meow.

They first met Winston at the hospital before his emergency surgery. "When they brought him into the exam room where we were waiting, it immediately felt like he was ours."

"He curled up in my husband's arms and started to play. He was the happiest little goof you could imagine!"

Jamie Adams

Later that evening, Brandi Hodge of Nashville Cat Rescue informed the couple that the kitten made it out of surgery alive — Winston was tiny but had a mighty spirit.

"A little more than a week later, we brought him home with us, where we planned to 'foster-to-adopt' him. He was still not allowed to have much activity, but it became apparent within just hours that he was so ready to take off," Jamie told Love Meow.

Jamie Adams

A couple of days later, they began to notice something was wrong with Winston's leg, and off they went back to the vet. This time, Jamie was very worried.

"The more I felt anxious, and would silently cry in the passenger seat during the drive there - the calmer Winston became. He became a huge comfort to me."

Jamie Adams

The vet was not able to salvage his leg but the kitty's life would be saved.

Coincidentally, the Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Au, was the very same doctor who saved the couple's beloved cat Timmy when he had his amputation.

"My anxiety was gone and I knew everything would be OK," Jamie said.

Jamie Adams

Winston the warrior cat continued to amaze everyone with his will to live. He returned home a few days after surgery. Though he had one less leg but gained a brand new life with his big family - two cats (Fuzzy Pete and Maggie), a dog (Shiner) and loving human parents.

Overtime, he has really bonded with Pete who was Timmy's best friend, and will not leave his side.

Watch Winston in this cute video:

Winston the 3-legged

"We could immediately tell a difference in his personality. He was so joyful. Now that he could move around almost any way he wanted, he was free and loving his life, finally!"

Over the next few weeks, Winston healed up nicely and really blossomed.

Jamie Adams

"His fur has almost grown back all the way. He still has the wild Einstein-hair and the cutest little spikes of ear fluff. He chirps when he wants your attention," Jamie told Love Meow.

"He had been through three surgeries before he was even two pounds! He died and came back. He lost his 'rudder' but doesn't walk anywhere - he runs!"

Jamie Adams

"Winston has a clean bill of health and long and happy future ahead of him," Jamie said.

"We are so lucky that he is part of our family."

Jamie Adams

Share this story with your friends. Follow Winston and his adventures on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Nashville Cat Rescue on Facebook.

Related story: Man Gave Kitten a Home — Now He Wakes Up to a Kitty Cuddling Up to Him Every Day

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