Kitten Saved from Hurricane Matthew Gets Tiny Sweater and New Home

Kitten Saved from Hurricane Matthew Gets Tiny Sweater and New Home


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A tiny kitten, who was found in the storm by Hurricane Matthew, now has a new sweater to keep her warm and a forever home that loves her to bits.

Courtesy: Sarah twitter@crysomemore

When a family went to a PetSmart in Northwest Raleigh, North Carolina to look at shelter kitties, they met a very special kitten who needed some extra TLC.

As the father and his children were checking out the rescue kitties, a vet assistant came over and told them that they had a kitten that really needed a home and someone to care for.

The vet assistant returned with a little tabby in a tiny sock sweater (to keep her warm), and the family instantly fell in love.

Courtesy: Sarah twitter@crysomemore

The kitten was rescued and brought in yesterday during the hurricane storms. "The vet assistant said she was about 3-4 weeks," Sarah told Love Meow.

"When I first saw her I had to fight off the temptation to take her home myself," Sarah said. "This kitten was so soft and precious, and the guy's kids were really awed by her."

Courtesy: Sarah twitter@crysomemore

He consulted his wife about adopting the kitten. A few minutes later, his wife had the tiny fur baby "protectively cradled against her and they were shopping for kitty supplies."

"I was so happy to see her go with them," Sarah told Love Meow. "They bought this huge and fancy litter box, and they were all extra excited so I think Tube Sock Sweater Kitten is in good hands."

Courtesy: Sarah twitter@crysomemore

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Related story: Man Saves 3 Kittens from Drowning During Storm and Reunites Them with Their Mama

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