Shy Kitten Wanders into Backyard for Help - When She Discovers Cuddles, Her Life Changed Forever

Shy Kitten Wanders into Backyard for Help - When She Discovers Cuddles, Her Life Changed Forever


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A little tuxedo kitten wandered into a backyard in Brooklyn, New York last week. She was very timid and didn't want to be near anyone.

"We started seeing this super tiny kitten show up in our backyard, but when we'd come out to feed her, she'd always disappear," Lindsay shared with Love Meow.


The kitten was very hungry but so afraid that she would hide behind the car wheel and run whenever they tried to approach her. Lindsay was not able to get close to the kitten until two days ago.

The kitten came back to the backyard and was starving. She finally mustered enough courage to walk up to her human friend for help.

Lindsay scooped her up and brought her inside. They got her a full plate of food, and the scrawny little tuxedo scarfed it right down.


"After a couple hours and a full belly, she warmed right up to us," Lindsay said.

The shyness on her face turned into eagerness for love. She stretched her tiny white mittens while Lindsay petted her in her lap.


That day, the kitten learned to enjoy cuddling and even fell asleep on a towel in her rescuer's lap.


Lindsay already has two cats in the house, so they wanted to get the kitten into a foster home where she could continue to be socialized.

"We're so lucky to know of Flatbush Cats, the rescue group that brought us our cats, Muppet and Fiske, and within a few hours, they were here to pick her up and start her on a new path," Lindsay said.


Will and Divya of Flatbush Cats (TNR rescue in Brooklyn) gave the little tuxedo a much-needed bath.

"Our newest addition is safe, clean, comfy, and flea-free," Will said.

Flatbush Cats

The kitten who has spent her first few weeks of life on the street, now has a full belly, warm bed and loving humans to snuggle with.

Flatbush Cats

"She'll never be alone or hungry again, and the rest of her days will be filled with love," Will added.

Flatbush Cats

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Related story: Rescued Kitten Clings to Everyone Until He Finds a Friend He's Been Waiting For

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