Kitten Found in a Yard All Alone, Now Never Wants to Leave Her Human's Lap

Kitten Found in a Yard All Alone, Now Never Wants to Leave Her Human's Lap


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Glenn from Los Angeles spotted a little ball of fur in his yard last week. To his surprise, it was a tiny kitten, all alone without a mother in sight.

Jacqueline DeAmor

The kitten didn't run away as Glenn approached her. He gently picked her up and noticed that she was just skin and bones.

Unsure what to do, he reached out to a vet's office for help. The veterinary staff connected him with Jacqueline DeAmor, co-founder of Friends for Life Rescue Network.

At first, Glenn thought the kitten was one week old - an age at which the kitten would require round-the-clock bottle feeding. "We were chatting via text and he sent me this picture. I realized that she was older," Jacqueline told Love Meow.


The kitten was around four weeks old and ready to eat solid food. Friends for Life Rescue Network was able to find her a foster home quickly and get her the medical attention she needed.

"When we got her, she was malnourished, completely flea infested, dehydrated, and lethargic. She must've somehow got separated from her mom a few days prior."

Jacqueline DeAmor

They gave her a much-needed flea bath with dawn dish soap. The little kitty felt so much better that she purred the loudest purrs.

"We also asked if there was a mama and other kittens nearby so we can rescue the kittens and TNR (Trap-neuter-return) the mama (or rescue her if friendly)," Jacqueline told Love Meow.

Jacqueline DeAmor

According to Glenn, a cat mother had been seen in another neighbor's yard. He managed to get Jacqueline in contact with the neighbor. They hope to find the mama and get her and all her kittens to safety.

The little fluff ball is doing well in her foster home, eating like a champ. She's gaining weight quickly and getting more playful every day.

Amber Ike

She has been named Echo and her personality is shining through. This pocket-sized kitten has the loudest meow and a talent to get whatever she wants.

The curious little kitty loves sitting on her foster dad's lap while watching him play the guitar.

Amber Ike

"She sits on laps and never wants to leave. She purrs really loud and makes the cutest little biscuits," Jacqueline told Love Meow.

Echo climbs on the binder to offer her human friend a helping paw.

Amber Ike

Just a week ago, Echo was found in the yard all by herself, in need of help. Now the little kitten is thriving.

She is tiny but a mighty little floof!

Amber Ike

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Echo at Friends for Life Rescue Network on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Stray Cat Mom Brings Her Kittens to Man that She Befriended, for Help

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