Kitten Bounced Back, Finds Sweetest Friend to Guard Her Everywhere She Goes

Kitten Bounced Back, Finds Sweetest Friend to Guard Her Everywhere She Goes


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A tiny kitten bounced back from the brink and found a canine friend to guard her everywhere she went.

Kate Hayes

A small tabby kitten was brought to Warwick Veterinary Hospital after she was found with an injured leg. The kitten who was less than 200 grams, had an incredible will to live.

The veterinary team determined that the only option they had to save the kitten was to remove the severely infected leg. They began prepping the kitten for surgery, and the tiny bundle of fur managed to put on weight in just one day.

She was the youngest kitten to receive a major orthopedic surgery at the hospital. The tabby pulled through and perked up like a champ. "This kitten (named Peggy) is the epitome of strength," Kate Hayes, veterinary nurse, told Love Meow.

"She was getting stronger and gaining weight by the day. We are so blown away by her bravery."

Kate Hayes

Kate offered to care for the kitten to help her recuperate in the comfort of a loving home. Little did Peggy know that a canine friend had been anticipating her arrival. Moon, the 8-year-old dog, has a soft spot for kittens in need. He's been helping Kate with fosters for many years.

"He is the most kind-hearted dog I have ever known. He has helped over 200 animals that have come through our house. He gave them love, comfort and cuddles while I made them strong and got them ready to go onto their new homes."

There's no exception with the new kitty in town. As soon as Peggy arrived, Moon was ready to help and nurture the little one back to health.

Moon the dog cuddles with Peggy the kittenKate Hayes

He stayed by her bed, watching over her every step of the way. He didn't leave her side while she was recovering from surgery. If Peggy made a squeal, Moon would cry with her and try to comfort her by licking her face.

"Moon has such a kind nature," Kate added.

Kate Hayes

The sweet canine insisted on keeping Peggy company all the time while she continued to heal. One night, the kitten had to be away. When they were reunited the next morning, Moon wrapped his arms around her and the two cuddled up a storm.

Kate brings the kitten to work, so she can continue around-the-clock care. "Moon is never far away from Peggy, even at work he's always by her side guarding her. He's the best bodyguard any kitten could have," Kate shared with Love Meow.

Kate Hayes

When Peggy started to venture out of her nest and try to waddle, Moon kept an eye on her, making sure that she was safe. If Peggy took a tumble, he would come running to see if she was ok.

Cheech, the sweet one-eyed Pug, adores little Peggy and helps out whenever Moon needs a paw.

Kate Hayes

"One of them is always with her. I think Peggy thinks she's part human, part canine and part feline. One thing I know for sure is she doesn't think she is any different," Kate told Love Meow.

Having three legs doesn't seem to slow her down. "She loves to cuddle and purr. Her favorite place is my handbag since she was 10 days old. I have brought her everywhere with me in my bag as she needed bottle feeding."

Kate Hayes

The little tabby has come a long way and is thriving in foster care. In two weeks, she will be ready to find a forever loving home.

"Four weeks ago Peggy's life was uncertain. She was facing undergoing a massive surgery at just 10 days old that we didn't know if she'd survive. Fast forward to today, she is learning to walk on three legs surrounded by friends, cheering on every step she takes."

Kate Hayes

Peggy is also learning to eat from a dish like a big kitty with a lot of encouragement from her loving foster family.

Moon continues to guard and protect her everywhere she goes, showering her with love.

Kate Hayes

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Related story: Kitten Insists on Being Friends with Cat and Wouldn't Take No for an Answer

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