Kitten with Unique Look Rescued from Alley Street - He Can't Stop Cuddling

Kitten with Unique Look Rescued from Alley Street - He Can't Stop Cuddling


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A little ginger kitten was rescued from a life in the alley. They discovered how unique he is.

Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP)

A 3-month-old kitten named Zodiac was brought to Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP), an all-volunteer rescue group in Hong Kong, after he was saved from an uncertain fate.

A dedicated neighborhood rescuer who has helped save many cats and kittens over the years, spotted the ginger boy near LAP's Cat Center and knew just the place to take him.

"This elderly lady saves many kittens living in the wet markets and unwanted offspring of shop cats. Zodiac is probably one of these unwanted kittens that scratch out a life in the alleys," LAP told Love Meow.

Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP)

"When Zodiac arrived, the rescuer warned us he was scared and a bit fierce," LAP added.

But as soon as they gave him some pets and lovin', not only did he warm up to them immediately but began to seek attention as if he knew he was in safe hands.

"He was sweet and affectionate, purring right away."

Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP)

They noticed the kitten didn't look like other cats, with unique facial features, fewer teeth, and an underbite. He was seen by a vet and given a clean bill of health.

His unique look is pure aesthetics and only adds to his cuteness.

Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP)

"He's a bit of a messy eater but he doesn't seem troubled otherwise by his differences," LAP shared with Love Meow.

"He's staying with a loving foster family while he waits for his forever home."

Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP)

Zodiac has turned into quite the love-bug and purrs nonstop every time he's cuddled — his favorite thing to do.

He is enjoying his new life as a spoiled indoor cat, demanding attention and hugs from his foster family.

Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP)

Despite having a rough start, the kitty quickly settled into his foster home and began to thrive.

He may look a little different, but he knows he's just as perfect and excited for his next adventure in life.

Lifelong Animal Protection Charity (LAP)

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