Kittens Found Huddled Up in Trash Bin, Kept Each Other Safe Until Help Arrived

Kittens Found Huddled Up in Trash Bin, Kept Each Other Safe Until Help Arrived


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Early January, a Good Samaritan heard meowing coming from a building. They followed the sound and were surprised to find a litter of kittens huddled up in a garbage bin.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

The kittens were about two and a half weeks old, crying desperately for their mom. The person who found them, scooped them out to safety and got in touch with Cheltenham Cat Rescue, a local rescue group in Melbourne, Australia.

The kitties were scruffy, very scrawny and hungry. Amber, a foster volunteer of the rescue, immediately offered to care for them so they could begin their healing process in the comfort of a loving home.

"They were extremely scared, hungry, malnourished and totally confused as to what was going on," Amber told Love Meow.

The four feline siblings stuck together throughout the ordeal, and tried to comfort each other as they adjusted to their new environment.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

The little calico, who had a broken paw, was the loudest of all, shouting at her foster mom as she prepared their first meal at home. (Scroll down for video)

The kittens scarfed down all the food they could eat and fell asleep together with full bellies. They took a long nap that day, making up for lost sleep.

"Within 24 hours, they started purring and loving having cuddles," Amber added.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

The two boys, Ezra and Deja, are a bonded pair. They are inseparable and find comfort in one another. The two girls, Karma and Shea, stay close to their brothers and snuggle behind them when they nap.

The kitties need some help with grooming as they are still trying to perfect the art. Amber gently brushes them with a toothbrush which mimics a cat mom's tongue.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

"Little Karma's paw was at a pretty bad angle when she arrived. The vet has fixed her up with a splint for the next couple of weeks."

The sweet calico isn't bothered by it at all. She continues to play, explore and walk around her room like nothing has happened.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Watch their rescue journey in this cute video:

Kittens rescued from trash bin, now thriving in foster

Shea, the runt of litter, was 120 grams less than her siblings. Two weeks later, she is finally catching up in weight.

The two brothers are eating from their dishes like a big kitty, whereas their sisters still demand their bottle at mealtime.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

Their loud cries alerted the Good Samaritan to save them before it was too late.

Now instead of crying for food and love, what you hear is their purrs reverberating throughout their room as they snuggle comfortably in their soft, warm bed.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

"They are absolutely precious little souls with their own personalities, and despite how they were neglected in their first weeks of life, they absolutely love humans and are extremely affectionate, purring, happy kitties," Amber told Love Meow.

The two bonded brothers love to snuggle together.

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

"These cuties are just happy to know someone loves them after what they've been through."

Amber @kitty_fostering_oz

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Related story: Kitten Huddled Up to Dog and Won't Leave Him Until They are Saved Together

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