Little Calico Fur Baby

Little Calico Fur Baby


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Kuan a lovely calico came from two rescued kitties who were found by Giane Portal. Soon after Kuan and her litter mates were born, Giane started finding homes for them and getting their parents fixed. The little calico was a very sweet little girl who was friendly to everybody. "When she saw me and my boyfriend, she started to meow and wanted to come with us. She was a tiny one and super sweet," said Giane.

Kuan loved to get into things such as shoes. She would climb into one, sniff around and find a comfortable spot to lie down. She claimed all the shoes in the house. It took a while for Giane to finally find a good home for the little girl. Kuan was the last kitten to be adopted. It was a bittersweet moment when she left for her forever home. "I miss this little girl, but I know she is very happy in her new family now."

Photos courtesy of Giane Portal (flickr: fofurasfelinas).

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