Little Tuxedo Stray Given A Brand New Life

Little Tuxedo Stray Given A Brand New Life


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Meet GUI, a little tuxedo who was found near a back porch by a kind person. She was very shy and scared, but with plenty of love, she started to open up and trust again.

"I found this little one, meowing, in a corner by my back porch." (imgur)

"Little kitty had an eye infection so we took a trip to the vet. I'm a student and I didn't plan on any extra expenses, so this is going to be a challenge. But that's what we do for our little, fluffy friends in the world, right?" (imgur)

She was very shy.

but slowly she came out of her shell and started to trust.

"I have been watching you all night. Feed me now?"

She loves to sit in her human's hoodie.

and the kitty is a gamer just like her human dad.

Photos via imgur.

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