Mother Cat Adopts Orphan Squirrels

Mother Cat Adopts Orphan Squirrels


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A mother cat who just gave birth adopted two orphan baby squirrels. "We found a baby squirrel under our porch with no signs of a mother. He was shivering and barely breathing. We took him inside," the human wrote via reddit. After consulting the vet, they put the little squirrel next to the mother cat, hoping she would accept it. It didn't take long for the cat mama to notice the little baby squirrel. She immediately took it into her care and started nursing it along with her own kittens.

"Two days after the first squirrel, she came back from under the porch with another one... she carefully placed it next to the kittens and squirrel #1."

A mother cat adopted an orphan squirrel the family saved under the porch.

She took it into her care and started nursing it along with her own kittens.

Two days later, she found another squirrel under the porch and brought it home.

She placed it next to the first squirrel and began mothering them like her own.

Photos via reddit.

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