Pancake the Kitten and His New Home

Pancake the Kitten and His New Home


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Amélie N from Paris, France has always been a cat lover and wanted to have a cat all her life. "My parents are more of dog persons. It was hard to convince them to have a cat, so I never got the opportunity to have one when I was younger."

"I met Pancake through a friend. He was one of a few kitties that were looking for forever homes." Amélie fell in love with little Pancake and thought the little furball had chosen her to be the family to go home to.

"He is our little prince and has lived with my boyfriend and I for about a month. He is the cutest thing ever and we spend hours watching him sleep and play every day. He is so lively, jumping everywhere, stealing tissue and paper out of the trash can, hiding inside my purses and bags and he's a big purr-er. He purrs even when he's playing or running around."

"Pancake is also totally in love with my hair. I think it reminds him of his mother. He likes to suckle my hair and most of the time he'd fall asleep underneath it. I have very long hair. It makes him feel protected and loved. It's so sweet."

"He is a very happy kitty and we are very lucky to have him be part of our family."

Photos courtesy of ©Amélie N (flickr: foleydurden, blog: Morning by Foley)

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