Paralyzed Kitten Gets New Wheels Thanks to High School Robotics Club

Paralyzed Kitten Gets New Wheels Thanks to High School Robotics Club


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Flipper the 9 month-old kitten can now get around much easier despite her spinal injury which left her hind legs partially paralyzed, thanks to the help and kindness of some local high school students.

Flipper was brought into Aspen Park Veterinary Hospital just a few months ago, unable to utilize his hind legs. The hospital then asked the students from the Conifer High School robotics club that they sponsor to see if anyone could construct a pair of wheels to help the little kitty move. After several prototypes, the club had something for Flipper. "We ended up with a two-wheeled design with a harness, like two-wheeled chariot," said Christian Debrunner via the Denver Post.

Flipper now wears the harness for about two hours each day. The hospital is planning on adopting Flipper while continuing helping her rehabilitate.

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Source: 9news and the Denver Post.

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