Peeps The Special Kitty

Peeps The Special Kitty


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Meet Peeps the kitty. She may wobble a little bit when she walks, but it doesn't stop her. Peeps weighed just 9 ounces when she was saved by a kind woman from a shelter that couldn't keep her.

"This is a kitten I rescued 4 weeks ago, she was 3 weeks old. She was at a shelter where they were going to put her down the day I got her. They said she was un-adoptable due to her birth defect. Her back legs aren't straight, and they point outwards which made her walking very awkward, like a wobble," Samantha told Love Meow.

Meet Peeps the kitty.

Photos by Samantha S-W.

"Our vet said she was healthy otherwise and might outgrow her birth defects with water therapy, exercises, stretching, etc.. So I do this with her everyday. She now weighs 2.7 lbs and is getting around amazingly, runs and plays with the other kitties, can jump up on couch and bed, etc. One of the legs is almost normal," she added.

"Adopting a Special Needs Kitty has been such a huge blessing and I'd do it again! They have the biggest hearts and appreciate you saving them. They really know. It's a bond like you've never felt before."

She may wobble a little bit when she walks, but it doesn't stop her.

Photos by Samantha S-W.

She gets water therapy for her legs and exercise every day. Now she can get around amazingly, run, play and jump on the couch and bed.

Photos by Samantha S-W.

Now Peeps weights 2.7 lbs, happy and loved. "Adopting a Special Needs Kitty has been such a huge blessing and I'd do it again! They have the biggest hearts and appreciate you saving them. They really know. It's a bond like you've never felt before."

Photos by Samantha S-W.

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