Rescue Cat Shed Over 20 Pounds from Obese to Healthy

Rescue Cat Shed Over 20 Pounds from Obese to Healthy


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It's been a long journey and Skinny the cat has lost more than 20 pounds. That’s more than half his body weight and now he weighs a healthy 19 pounds for his frame.

"Skinny the Cat found at 42 pounds is the resident 'Phat Cat' at HEAL Veterinary Hospital." HEAL Veterinary Hospital wrote via Facebook. Two and half years and 23 pounds later, he rules the roost.

Skinny was found as a stray and brought into a shelter in Richardson, TX in September 2012. A woman found him lying on the lawn of her backyard.

Dr. Brittney Barton of HEAL Veterinary Hospital met Skinny one day and knew she had to help. As his weight loss journey progressed, she became attached to her little feline patient and decided to adopt him.

[Scroll down for video]

His weight loss journey began here.

He was found at a whopping 42 pounds.

He was put on a special, controlled diet and an exercise plan, and his weight started to melt off.

"I can fit into this box meow!"

Skinny was adopted by Dr. Brittney Barton of HEAL Veterinary Hospital. He likes to roam the clinic halls and keep the staff company.

When someone takes a nap at the clinic, Skinny offers some snuggles.

Dr. Barton says Skinny is living proof that while he's supposed to be a big cat, 'he's not supposed to be an obese cat."

Look at Skinny now! What a handsome and healthy boy!

Watch video: Skinny discovers his tail!

I have a tail?!!

Posted by I am Skinny the Cat on Wednesday, March 11, 2015

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