Soldiers Save Kitten From Iraq Sandstorm

Soldiers Save Kitten From Iraq Sandstorm


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Staff Sgt. Jarrod of the US Air Force and his fellow soldiers stopped everything they were doing to save the life of a tiny kitten during a sandstorm in Iraq.

At the time, Jarrod's job was to patrol off base for about 14 hours a day despite the weather. During one of the very bad sandstorms, Jarrod discovered a tiny ball of fur covered in mud squirming around in a pile of trash on the side of the road. The next thing they saw was a tiny, starving kitten crying for help. She was very filthy and could barely stand. They immediately brought her to safety in their truck and had her cleaned up with a few bottles of water. It was then they realized that she was a gorgeous white kitten.

"Everyone was all about helping her. Seems like people tend to think you turn into some heartless and savage when you deploy into war zones. It's just not the case for the majority. Everyone I know has pets. It's no different than seeing a man, woman, or child in need. you just stop and help, it's the right thing to do," said Jarrod via Catster.

They made the kitten a comfortable place to rest in with a towel, water and food. She was so hungry that she just couldn't get enough of the food. "She ate like she'd never been fed before," he added.

They named her Nala, after The Lion King because she was a little fighter who survived such a difficult condition.

Back on the base, they built her a little fort. She even received little care packages with all kind of toys, food and goodies from many people. Nala is now bigger and stronger, and safe and sound. She's bringing the soldiers a lot of comfort and a sense of home.

Staff Sgt. Jarrod of the US Air Force and his fellow soldiers stopped everything they were doing to save the life of a tiny kitten during a sandstorm in Iraq.

They made the kitten a comfortable place to rest in with a towel, water and food.

Lots of thanks to Jarrod and Carol for the photos and story. Check out their Kitty Page. Original interview by Dorian Wagner at Catster.

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