Starsky and Hutch, 2 Little Survivors

Starsky and Hutch, 2 Little Survivors


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Starsky and Hutch may be itty and bitty, but they are two survivors who went through a rough experience before they were rescued by the wonderful people at the Challenger's House in Toney, Alabama.

"I got a call from the shelter manager Sunday evening. Another Challenger’s House foster mom had gotten these two little kittens from a friend who found them. They’d been tossed out of a car along with a third kitten," said Robyn Anderson, foster parent and rescuer from Challenger's House. Unfortunately the third kitten did not make it due to injury.

"These two were loaded with fleas when I got them, and so the first night we bedded them down in a big carrier in the blue coop with a heating pad. By mid-day Monday, the fleas were eradicated."

"They are sweet and snuggly and friendly. They are at the age I love so much, where they're just figuring out how to play with toys and how to play-fight with each other, where everything is AMAZING, and their favorite thing to do is climb into my lap, purring and kneading," Robyn said.

"Starsky and Hutch have now hit one pound. Hutch is one and a half ounces larger than Starsky, and that one and a half ounces is all in his big round belly. I told my husband that we should have named him Waddles McGee, because he waddles so when he walks – which is the MOST adorable thing to witness. Yes, it could very well be due to worms – they’re both on dewormer – but they’re also at that age where they’re tiny and round little things."

Little Starsky and Hutch are so happy and healthy now thanks to Robyn Anderson and all the wonderful rescuers at Challenger's House. You can see more updates on Starsky and Hutch at Love and Hisses. If you want to adopt a furry friend from Challenger's House, click here to visit their site.

Photos courtesy of Robyn Anderson (flickr: RobynAnderson).

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