Stray Cat Saunters into Couple's Home... and Gives Birth to Her Babies

Stray Cat Saunters into Couple's Home... and Gives Birth to Her Babies


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A stray cat sauntered into a couple's home, meowing and begging to stay. Little did they know the sweet tortie cat would surprise them with two most adorable gifts.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

James Harold and Angela Watts were hanging out with friends when they heard a cat's cry.

"When I heard her cry behind the door, I opened it, she walked in and hasn't left since," James Harold told The Dodo.

The cat felt right at home after she invited herself into the couple's house. Soon they realized that the cat had chosen them to be her family and they were glad to become her permanent food provider.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

"We decided to keep her after we gave her a bath and she fell asleep in my hands," Harold said. The friendly cat felt so loved when the couple was there to hold her and snuggle with her.

She was named Jupiter, and in the days that followed her belly grew bigger and bigger.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

They noticed her swollen belly when she arrived, but weren't sure if it was related to an infection or parasite. After taking the cat to the vet, it was confirmed that the sweet cat was pregnant.

A couple weeks later, she gave birth to two tiny babies, and the couple fell in love instantly. They decided to keep them along with their cat mama.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

Callisto (gray) and Io (black), named after two of Jupiter's Galilean moons.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

Mama stays nearby while her babies wrestle and play.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

Mama Jupiter checking on her baby who has ventured into another room.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

Jupiter couldn't be happier snuggling with her kittens in a comfortable place they call their forever home.

They get unlimited supply of love and cuddles from their humans, and best of all, the two kittens will stay with their mom and be doted on every single day.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

Jupiter knew from the start that the couple would take care of her and her babies, and she was right. Her motherly instinct is truly amazing!

"Both James and I feel that we did not save Jupiter, but that she saved us." Angela Watts said.

James and Harold and Angela Watts

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Related story: Man Let Stray Cat into His Home, a Week Later, She Gave Him a Surprise on His Couch

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