Syrian Refugees Arrive to Safety with Their Beloved Kitten

Syrian Refugees Arrive to Safety with Their Beloved Kitten


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A Syrian refugee family couldn't bear leaving their beloved kitten behind. When they fled war-torn Syria, they knew they had to go as a family including their precious tabby cat.

The man seen cuddling the kitten was not willing to make this journey without his kitten, Zaytouna, who'd be lost without him.

"This is love, this Syrian refugee couldn't bear to leave his kitten behind, so it came with him," said Catterati via instagram.

The Syrian family travelled on a boat and made it safely to Lesbos, Greece. The man kept his kitten cradled tightly to his chest throughout the journey.

More info: protothema.

"This Syrian family brought their beloved cat to Greece," said Tamara, a Roar Magaine contributor. "Today we helped these #RefugeesGr as they reached the shore in a state of shock: crying, shaking & kneeling to pray."

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