Tiniest Orphaned Kitten Holds onto His Rescuer for Love, Then and Now

Tiniest Orphaned Kitten Holds onto His Rescuer for Love, Then and Now


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This little kitten was found without a mom at the tender age of just one day old. His eyes were still closed and umbilical cord attached. He was desperately looking for some motherly love.

Meet Tidbit.

Courtesy: Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady

Little Tidbit was found alone outside, crying for his mom. He went without food for about 10 hours until he was rescued and taken into a foster home.

Hannah Shaw (@kittenxlady), a kitten rescuer in Washington, DC, took the tiny orphaned baby into her care and gave him a nice meal and a warm bed to sleep in.

"No baby should be separated from their mother, but it's particularly heartbreaking to me when they are orphaned at one day old and are a singleton," she said.

Hannah kept the little fur baby warm and fed around the clock, and little Tidbit began to thrive.

Courtesy: Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady

At such a young age, Tidbit needed a lot of love and TLC.

"Even an orphan can feel motherly love when they've got a dedicated foster mom and a stuffed animal to snuggle! Tidbit has always slept in the same position -- curled up with this stuffed mama cat, complete with a battery operated heartbeat," Hannah said.

Courtesy: Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady

At 20 days old, he began to learn to walk and snuggle.

"I love watching this lil guy explore his world with big, bright eyes!"

Courtesy: Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady

Hannah used a toothbrush to teach little Tidbit how to groom. "One way to teach kittens about cleaning is to gently groom them with a toothbrush to imitate a cat's rough tongue."

"Tidbit is beginning to get the hang of it!"

Courtesy: Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady

He was on the small side.

"Even though his weight is below average, he's got a healthy body composition (look at that chunky belly!)… he's just tiny," Hannah said.

"It's typical for orphans to weigh a little less than kittens raised by mothers."

Courtesy: Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady

It's been nine weeks and a lot of sleepless nights. Little Tidbit has blossomed into a beautiful, playful, and healthy kitty.

"Tidbit hasn't left my side since the day he was born and nothing warms my heart like knowing he can trust me," Hannah described their bond.

Courtesy: Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady

Watch this cute video:

The little singleton just went to his forever home a week ago. He's loving his new life.

Courtesy: Hannah Shaw @kittenxlady

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow Kitten Lady on Instagram. Follow Tidbit on Instagram.

Related story: Tiny Kitten Lost Her Siblings But Found Comfort and Love from Another Orphaned Baby

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