Kitten Saved by Dog from Middle of Street, The Difference After Sleeping in a Warm Bed and Getting Lots to Eat...

Kitten Saved by Dog from Middle of Street, The Difference After Sleeping in a Warm Bed and Getting Lots to Eat...


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A dog found a tiny kitten rummaging in a bag in the middle of the street and alerted his owner about the baby.

"A German Shepard found the baby because he smelled the cat food that was in the bag. My neighbor took the kitten across the street to the park and the German Shepard Dog was protecting her," reddit user cardifan said.

Photo: cardifan

The neighbor gave the kitten a flea bath before reddit user cardifan came to pick her up with kitten formula she got from the vet.

The little gray and white kitten was found in the street near Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, so they decided to christen her Gracie.

Photo: cardifan

At first, Gracie wouldn't have the kitty milk either by feeding her with a bottle or from a bowl. So they mixed some wet cat food in the formula, and the kitten just loved it!

"She ate it right up. I put a small box in the bathroom for her and after showing her how to scratch, she peed and pooped."

Photo: cardifan

They gave Gracie a basket filled with warm blankets to sleep in that night. "When I woke up in the morning she was asleep in my hamper."

Gracie fell asleep in a comfy bed after filling her belly with yummy food.

Photo: cardifan

Gracie the day after sleeping in a warm home and getting lots to eat.

She came out of her shell and started playing and exploring with her new found energy.

"My son is trying to teach her how to play Minecraft."

Photo: cardifan

The neighbor who found Gracie, came by and fed and played with her while her human mom was at work.

Little Gracie waking her human up in the morning for breakfast!

Photo: cardifan

"I guess they're her slippers now."

Photo: cardifan

Five months later!

Gracie lying on her favorite napping spot at her forever home!

Photo: cardifan

What love can do in just one day! Share this story with your friends!

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