Tiny Stray Kitten Meows Her Way into the Heart of Another Rescue Cat

Tiny Stray Kitten Meows Her Way into the Heart of Another Rescue Cat


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Two weeks ago, a little orphaned kitten meowed her way into a new home and the heart of another rescue cat.

Meet Jane Snow aka Snowie.

Courtesy: Anewor Rodavlas

It was late at night when Anewor Rodavlas started hearing meowing from outside her home, but she couldn't see anything through the windows.

"The morning after I woke up and I still heard a cat crying," Anewor told Love Meow. She got outside and started investigating.

"When I came to look for the crying kitten, I saw her in the middle of the road and a van was not far away approaching the road."

She immediately ran to pick up the kitten and brought her to safety in the nick of time.

"I knew in my heart she's been abandoned and alone. I saw no other cats or kittens around. I then took her home, fed and cleaned her and kept her warm."

Courtesy: Anewor Rodavlas

When Anewor introduced the tiny white kitten to her 5-year-old rescue cat Mookie, he took to the little kitten like family.

Snowie meeting the big kitty...

Courtesy: Anewor Rodavlas

Snowie walks up to her friend and gives him a kiss on the nose.

They have been inseparable since.

Courtesy: Anewor Rodavlas

"They get along really well and play a lot," Anewor told Love Meow.

Mookie has taken on the fatherly role and cares for the little fur baby as his own.

Courtesy: Anewor RodavlasCourtesy: Anewor Rodavlas

Snowie loves to play, and Mookie is always there by her side, watching over her.

Mookie is caring for the kitten the same way when he was rescued.

Courtesy: Anewor Rodavlas

"Snowie is so happy she found her forever home. I am so glad I found her. She has a precious soul," Anewor said.

The kitten went from crying alone on the street to now cuddling with her new dad in a place she calls home.

Courtesy: Anewor Rodavlas

What rescuing can do! Share this story with your friends!

Related story: Big Guy Saves Tiny Kitten and Becomes Her Surrogate Dad

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