1 Week Old Orphan Kitten Finds a Surrogate Mom and a New Home

1 Week Old Orphan Kitten Finds a Surrogate Mom and a New Home


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A tiny one week old kitten came to an animal clinic without a mom.

"My girlfriend is a vet. Someone dropped off this 1 week old kitten," said TeddyPeep via reddit. They called him Orange Pekoe.

"It was tough bottle feeding Pekoe and fortunately, we found a mother who had just had a litter of kittens for him to nurse with. He's been WAY happier," he added. "She's a really sweet momma kitty. As soon as we got her home, she flopped down for the babies to eat. It was pretty darn cute." (reddit)

"Pekoe loves sitting in our laps and he purrs CONSTANTLY." After fostering the little ginger kitty for a period of time, they simply couldn't part with him.

He was just 1 week old when he was dropped off at the vet's. One of the staff took him home and started caring for him round the clock.

They found Pekoe a surrogate mom who immediately laid down and started nursing him like a mother would. "Our kitten looks SO content that he has a surrogate momma kitty."

Eyes opened!

"Are you my sister?"

Mommy kitty giving Pekoe some love.

A happy furry family: Orange Pekoe, Momma Kitty (surrogate mother), and her baby Darjeeling.

They grew so fast!

Orange Pekoe and his brother from another mother Earl Grey.

 After fostering him for a period of time, they simply couldn't part with him. He's there to stay forever!

Now: Pekoe's grown into a handsome cat!

Photos via reddit.

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