Tiny Tuxedo Kitty Adopted by Siberian Husky Dog

Tiny Tuxedo Kitty Adopted by Siberian Husky Dog


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A teeny little tuxedo kitty found a new mom, a big Siberian husky who raised her and nursed her as her own.

Mushu the kitty was born to a stray cat and later rescued by her human when she was only 8 weeks old. They had a dog named Luna who accepted Mushu as soon as she laid eyes on the poor little tux. Mushu also chose Luna to be her surrogate mom. They have been inseparable since.

Mushu was born to a stray cat and rescued when she was 8 weeks old.

She found a new mom, a canine mama:

Luna the dog is very protective of Mushu.

 She watched her grow.

Mushu all grown up now!

Photos by ©Bea Sanchez via Good Morning Kitten.

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