Two Little Rescue Ginger Fuzzballs

Two Little Rescue Ginger Fuzzballs


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While Tracy was busy taking care of many rescue cats found through their Trap-Neuter-Return program in Hong Kong, two more little orphaned kittens found their way to her door. They were named Gold Bar and Gold Brick, little ginger babies from two different litters.

"I was so busy with shelter work that I could hardly breath, but when the shelter called, I couldn't delay it, so two little babies came to stay with me until they were big enough to get adopted out," said Tracy on her blog.

"When they came, Gold Bar was growing teeth, and his appetite got bigger and bigger. He was around one and half months old, an adorable ginger boy."

"Gold Brick was very tiny and still needed kitten formula everyday. He was younger." They got along so well that one might think they could have come from the same mother.

Today, Gold Bar and Gold Brick are happily living in their forever loving home. Tracy once said even though the process of rescuing and fostering a cat is a lot of work and stress, once a life is saved and a cat is given a good home, all the sweat and lack of sleep are totally worth it.

Photos courtesy of ©Tracy Chan (flickr: beatrice524, Rescue Group: AACAT).

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