Woman Never Stops Searching for Alley Kitten Despite That Others Think She May Never Find Her…

Woman Never Stops Searching for Alley Kitten Despite That Others Think She May Never Find Her…


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A woman never stopped searching for this little alley kitten despite that others thought she might never find her.

Meet Fluffy!

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The little ball of fur wandered into an alley in Montreal with her three siblings and cat mother. A kind-hearted woman who had been caring for the alley cats, spotted the feline family and knew she had to get them help before winter came.

"She's been trying to catch the mother, but the momma cat is accustomed to living outside and has been avoiding the traps. The woman is still trying to catch her and get her into somewhere safe and warm this winter," Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow.

The kittens were very young when they were first seen. Three of them always stuck together and the 4th one, little black kitten, was a bit withdrawn from the group and would rather take refuge than come out to play.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The woman was able to catch the three kittens easily but the 4th one got away and was nowhere to be found. After a few more days of searching but to no avail, chances of the kitten surviving on her own were slim, but she wasn't willing to give up.

The three siblings were taken in by a rescue group in Ontario as most shelters in the area were full. After getting them help, the woman went back to look for the last kitten even though there was a chance that she would never find her.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"A few days later, she found the 4th kitten stuck in a place. The poor baby was shaking and had trouble standing up. She was very fragile and much smaller than her siblings. She couldn't eat on her own and was just skin and bones."

Chatons Orphelins Montréal took her in and found a foster family for her right away.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"Fluffy was a ball of fur on a bag of bones, weighing just 490 grams. She was very hungry and we had to feed her right away."

Volunteers Marie and Kevin took her home to foster and syringe fed her round-the-clock as she needed help to eat. In just 24 hours, the kitten put on 25 grams.

In just a few days, she gained over 100 grams!Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Fluffy was very shy when she arrived at her foster home, but as she grew bigger and stronger each day, her curiosity started to show, and slowly she was coming out of her shell.

Within two weeks, the little fluff ball learned that humans aren't so bad and that she doesn't need to hide any more.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The little shy kitty has blossomed into a snugglebug. Now she can eat on her own and loves spending time with other kittens in the house. Her personality is shining through.


Chatons Orphelins Montréal

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Related story: Orphaned Kitten Left in Alley Finds Grandma Cat to Love in These Beautiful Photos

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