Employee Brings Orphaned Kitten to Work and the Kitty Decides to Offer Everyone "Help"

Employee Brings Orphaned Kitten to Work and the Kitty Decides to Offer Everyone "Help"


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An employee of a graphic design company brought an orphaned kitten to work so the kitty could be bottle fed around-the-clock. The tiny calico decided that she would offer everyone "help" in return.

Meet Joey!


The employee is fostering a kitten for a local shelter, Young Williams Animal Center (in Knoxville, Tennessee). The tiny ball of fur was brought in as an orphan in desperate need of motherly love.

As a foster parent, she decided to bring her to work, so the kitten could get her meal and care every several hours and always have someone to keep her company.

Their office is generally very quiet, but that day the little bundle of joy filled the room with the most precious sounds. "We hear little squeaky mews every four hours when she has to be bottle-fed," reddit user sa3belle told Love Meow.

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"Most of the day she sleeps. Things will probably change once she's older and needs to use a litter box."

Joey walks across the keyboard and waddles her way to a coffee cup for some purrsonal inspection.


Their boss loves having a kitten in the office, and so is everyone else that works there. They all volunteer to babysit the kitten when her foster mom needs a break.

"We take turns having her on our desk. It's a nice break from stressful deadlines," she told Love Meow.


They named her Joey because she loves to be carried around in a pouch or blanket.

Taking a nap in between meal times.


They get to work alongside the kitten as they watch her grow. The little fluff ball is loving all the attention from her human friends and is thriving.

The employees look forward to coming to work every day knowing that their little feline assistant will be there purring them on.


After a long day of hard work, Joey fell asleep in her foster mom's arms.

Every office could use some help from a kitty or kitties :).


The purrfect little helper :)

Updates: Joey is adopted!

"Joey's foster mom has decided that she wants Joey's temporary home to become her permanent home," Young Williams Animal Center said in an update.


Getting ready to go home with her forever mom!

Supplied by Maddie Lane

Now Joey is three months old now.

She still loves keeping her human company during work.

Supplied by Maddie Lane

The calico girl has grown very adventurous.

She enjoys taking a walk with her human mom, exploring her neighborhood and checking out tiny critters.

Supplied by Maddie Lane

After a long day of playing, she snuggles up to her mom for a nap.

Supplied by Maddie Lane

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Related story: This Company Pays Their Employees for Every Cat They Rescue

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