Motherless Calico Kitten Brings Comfort to Two Crying Orphaned Brothers.

Motherless Calico Kitten Brings Comfort to Two Crying Orphaned Brothers.


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Two tiny black kittens were brought into the shelter, in need of bottle feeding. They wouldn't stop crying.

A few days later, another kitten came in with the same fate.

Danielle @fostercatsandkittens

Danielle, a foster carer based in Las Vegas, got a call from a local rescue group, Hearts Alive Village, about two neonatal kittens that needed round-the-clock bottle feeding.

"Someone had brought them into the shelter, saying they were born in their attic and the mama had abandoned them," Danielle told Love Meow.

"The list of fosters who can help neonatal bottle babies is extremely small. So I said I could do it."

Danielle @fostercatsandkittens

They pulled the kittens from the shelter three days ago and transferred them to Hearts Alive Village. When Danielle brought them home, she quickly realized just how much the kittens missed having a mom.

"They would just cry and cry. It was heartbreaking," Danielle said.

Danielle @fostercatsandkittens

Two days later, she received another call about a newborn calico found on someone's concrete porch.

"A woman was in town visiting her father and found the kitten. She looked everywhere for mama or siblings and found nothing," Danielle told Love Meow.

Danielle @fostercatsandkittens

They tried to help the kitten but couldn't get their hands on any kitten formula. The woman brought the calico to the shelter the next day for help.

Hearts Alive Village got wind of the kitten's plight and rushed to her rescue. "We pulled her from the shelter and I got her home. She was one day old," Danielle added. "If this woman didn't find Vivi, sadly, I don't think she would have survived."

Danielle @fostercatsandkittens

A singleton will benefit from having others to snuggle with at this fragile age.

"I decided to put her in with the others because she needed other kittens for warmth and social interaction (normally I don't mix litters, but this seemed important)."

As soon as she placed the calico, named Vivi, next to the others, the two brothers stopped crying.

Danielle @fostercatsandkittens

"They instantly snugged her. They both wanted to be right with her. I could just see how content they were. It was heartwarming," Danielle told Love Meow.

"They all helped each other. She just belonged with them."

Danielle @fostercatsandkittens

The feline brothers welcomed their little calico sister with open arms.

No more crying for their mother. Now, the trio is constantly snuggling and keeping each other comforted.

Danielle @fostercatsandkittens

Share this story with your friends. Follow these adorable foster babies on Facebook and Instagram @fostercatsandkittens. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Related story: Orphaned Kitten and Rescued Puppy Found One Another and Give Each Other Comfort and Love

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