11-year-old Girl Rescues 2 Orphaned Kittens Just in Time and Becomes Their Foster Mom

11-year-old Girl Rescues 2 Orphaned Kittens Just in Time and Becomes Their Foster Mom


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A week ago, two orphaned kittens were brought to an animal shelter in South Texas, in desperate need of rescue.

That's when an 11-year-old girl named Audrey saw the plea about the kittens. She and her mother went to the shelter and saved them in the nick of time.

Audrey @adventuresfoster

The kittens were about two weeks old and very hungry. The shelter didn't have the resources to care for them. "I was on Instagram and saw their post about these two kittens. We asked the front desk if they still had them and they said yes," Audrey told Love Meow.

"The foster coordinator went back to get them, and they were already on the table to be euthanized. We took them in and they had a bit of an eye infection."

The two feline siblings were named Strawberry (with a pink nose, boy) and Cherry (girl).

Audrey @adventuresfoster

"Their first feeding seemed very new to them but they surprisingly latched on right away and they both drank six milliliters (of kitten formula)," Audrey said.

Audrey continued feeding and caring for them every couple of hours. "I'm so exhausted from my night feedings but I do it for a reason. Nothing makes me happier than knowing we gave these babies a second chance at life."

Audrey @adventuresfoster

Her tireless efforts paid off as Strawberry and Cherry were nursed back to health and began to thrive.

"The kittens are doing absolutely amazing. They still cry when their food is coming, but it doesn't sound the way it did when we got them and they were starving," Audrey added.

"They are gaining a lot of weight, their eye infection went away, and they aren't as scared and fearful like when we got them."

Strawberry taking his first steps out of the play pen.

Audrey @adventuresfoster

A week later, the two feline siblings have come out of their shells and their personalities are shining through.

"Strawberry is very quiet, sweet, and always very sleepy while Cherry on the other hand is very loud, messy, and is always looking for someone to pick her up," Audrey told Love Meow.

Audrey @adventuresfoster

Watch Strawberry and Cherry in this cute video:

Audrey started fostering kittens three years ago. She was inspired by Kitten Lady and a few other rescuers/fosters.

"I try to encourage younger children to help out and teach them that anyone can make a difference including them."

Audrey @adventuresfoster

Once the kittens are big enough, they will be put up for adoption through Andrews PAWS Center.

The two little tabbies are growing by leaps and bounds and are starting to explore with their new-found energy.

Audrey @adventuresfoster

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on these two kittens and Audrey's foster kitties on Instagram @adventuresfoster.

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