Rescuers Save Orphaned Kitten, Turn His Life Around with Help from Teddy Bear and Their Cat

Rescuers Save Orphaned Kitten, Turn His Life Around with Help from Teddy Bear and Their Cat


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A kitten who was found at the border of San Diego and Tijuana, survived against all odds.

To help him get better, they gave him a teddy bear and introduced him to a feline friend.

Hannah Shaw

Hannah Shaw, founder of Orphan Kitten Club, took in the little kitty when he was on his last legs. He was very weak but hanging on with all his might. Hannah gave him a teddy bear, so he would not feel alone as he continued to fight through his illness.

He was very vocal despite being just skin and bones. At three weeks old, he weighed about 170 grams. His body had been very cold before he was found. They brought him back from the brink and kept him in an incubator to help regulate his body temperature.

With round-the-clock care and support, the kitten's condition was finally stable and he began to perk up. "(When we got him), his little light was flickering so dimly, nearly ready to go dark. Seeing him shining so brightly after a few days together, I know that this process has been well worth it," Hannah wrote.

Hannah Shaw

The kitten named Rey adores his teddy bear. He snuggles with it, falls asleep on it and hugs it like he would his own mom. The bear has been his great companion since day one, and he naps with it every night.

When Hannah put all his bedding in the wash, including his teddy bear, she noticed that the kitten's demeanor suddenly changed.

Hannah Shaw

"For hours he was fussy, vocal, and refused the bottle. After trying everything I could to comfort him, I finally had the thought — I wonder if it's because his teddy bear is gone?" Hannah said.

Once it was clean, she put it back to be reunited with the kitten. Rey instantly returned to eating normally and sleeping with his snuggly friend.

Hannah Shaw

"This may be a coincidence or it may not be, but kittens thrive in routine and seek sensory and olfactory cues that they are safe at home — I genuinely think Rey felt a little lost without his teddy bear by his side."

Rey had been a solo orphan and never interacted with another cat. Once he was big enough to want to play with others, Hannah found the perfect buddy for him.

Hannah Shaw

"He was too small to fit in with the big kids (other foster kittens), so we decided to try him out with Haroun the cat who has a solid track record of mentoring solo kittens.

"Rey is obsessed with Haroun's tail and is following him everywhere like a little baby duck!"

Hannah Shaw

"Rey has been a challenge ever since we got him last month, but I genuinely think in the last three days I've cracked the code to his health and happiness, which feels amazing," Hannah wrote.

"Seeing him make a big turnaround is exciting."

Haroun the resident kitty took the little one under his wing. He showed him the ropes and taught him how to be a cat.

Hannah Shaw

"When a kitten like Rey enters an animal shelter, there are typically only two options for him: a foster home or euthanasia. Because most shelters don't have the resources to provide overnight care staff, orphaned kittens often meet their fate within the first 24 hours in a shelter," Hannah added.

"Knowing this, you can see how important it is for the community to step in and offer our support."

Andrew Marttila

At six weeks old, Rey weighs 400 grams. He's still working on getting stronger and bigger every day, and Hannah and her partner are determined to get him in tiptop shape.

"He's happy, purring, eating a ton, gaining weight. Now that he feels good, his little personality can finally start to come out, and he's even playing," she said.

"I truly feel that cuddling is good, good medicine."

Hannah Shaw

With help from Haroun and the teddy and plenty of love from his foster parents, Rey is on his way to a great life that he so deserves.

Follow updates on Rey on Facebook and Instagram. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

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Related story: Kitten Gets Her Smile Back After Rescuers Saved Her from the Street Hours After Birth

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