Kitten Rescued as Orphan Finds Comfort When Guitar Plays, and Falls Asleep To It

Kitten Rescued as Orphan Finds Comfort When Guitar Plays, and Falls Asleep To It


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Rosemary the kitten and her brother were abandoned by their feral cat mom after they were born. The feline babies were in desperate need of love and round-the-clock foster care.

Mini Cat Town

Mini Cat Town (in San Jose, California) took in Rosemary and her brother Basil when they were just a few hours old. "They came to us from 9 Lives Foundation. Isabel, our rescued mom cat, had just lost two of her kittens from her litter of six, so we put Rosemary and Basil with her," Thoa Bui of Mini Cat Town told Love Meow.

Soon they noticed that the little tabby girl had delayed growth. After consulting several veterinarians, they had narrowed it down to congenital hypothyroidism.

Because of her condition, Rosemary has always been smaller than other kittens her age. "We give her special attention. She is currently on medication for her thyroid and doing really well."

Mini Cat Town

The sweet tabby has the heart of a lion and wins everyone's heart with her affection and incredible resolve. She has also surprised her foster family with her love for music. (Scroll down for video)

"When I'm playing the guitar, she seems to like it because she either sits in front to watch or crawls on my lap and falls asleep to the music," Thoa told Love Meow.

Mini Cat Town

Rosemary is eating well, has a strong heartbeat despite her stunted growth and development.


Mini Cat Town

"She is on Day 27 of her medication and what a difference it has made! She went from being stuck at 10.5 ounces to now weighing in at a whopping one pound (at 12 weeks old). She eats more, she plays with toys, she not only walks, but runs and climbs."

The sweet kitty loves to cuddle and has recently started to play with her new-found energy.

Mini Cat Town

"She now lives to zip around the kitten room and chase after toys. She talks to us and greets us when we enter the kitten room. It is a far cry from her glazed over, sleepy, and slow self before she began treatment."

The sound from the guitar seems to soothe little Rosemary. She will sit down and listen or crawl up to her foster mom's lap and nap as she plays the chords.

Mini Cat Town

"She just so sweet and friendly, we can't resist her. And her new parents are very excited to welcome her," Thoa told Love Meow.

She will need medication for the rest of her life but little Rosemary is loving her new life and living everyday to the fullest.

Mini Cat Town

Follow updates on Rosemary on Facebook and Instagram @minicattown

Watch Rosemary in this adorable video:

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Related story: Kitten with Large Head and Small Body Determined to Grow Despite the Odds

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