Woman Saves Injured Kitten That No One Would Touch, Now a Year Later...

Woman Saves Injured Kitten That No One Would Touch, Now a Year Later...


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A tiny one month old kitten was found in a shed with a severe head injury. People were afraid to touch him, but a young woman stepped in, scooped him up and got him help.

Meet Trooper!

Jessie Anderson

Trooper was found along with his siblings hiding with their mother in an old shed, but the little tabby boy was missing skin on top of his head.

No one believed that the kitten would survive and suggested putting him to sleep. "I immediately went over there to see what was wrong," Jessie Anderson‎ told Love Meow.

Jessie took the kitten home that night and the next morning brought him straight to the vet. Trooper might have been struck by a lawn mower. "He had the 'scalping' wound on his head that is down to the skull and both ears had been cut off."

But despite it all, the tiny kitten was in good spirits. He snuggled in Jessie's lap for cuddles and love. "He doesn't know there is anything wrong... He is a very special boy."

Jessie Anderson

After applying some antibiotic cream, the little guy felt so much better and gave his human a few nose kisses as if he was saying, "Thank you."

"He is very strong and eats like a pig. He is very curious and likes to explore," Jessie told Love Meow.

Jessie Anderson

Jessie gave him a little fluffy buddy to cuddle with, and he loved it!

Jessie Anderson

Trooper received surgery to close the skin on his head. "They took a patch of skin from his neck and sewed it on his head but it didn't 'take' and it eventually fell off but the wound eventually closed in its own," Jessie told Love Meow.

Every night before bedtime he tells his human how grateful he is with headbutts and kisses.

Jessie Anderson

"He also had surgery to release the tension on the skin of his eye. The skin was drawn up because of the injury so when he blinked his eye didn't close all the way and tissue was exposed and was drying out. That surgery went well.

"He's bald on top of his head and probably always will be, his tail is bald on one side and curls around to one side and he still has his little Mohawk down his back (which suits his personality)."

Jessie Anderson

A year after his rescue, the little tabby's all grown up!

"He has one kitty sister and six doggie brothers and sisters all of which are rescues," Jessie told Love Meow.

Jessie Anderson

Jessie never gave up on little Trooper, and now he is the happiest little boy he can be. He doesn't even think he's any different.

Look at him now!

Jessie Anderson

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Related story: Cat with Pounds of Matted Fur Looks Like Octopus Now Gets It All Shaved Off

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