Woman Saves Kitten Lying on Highway Despite Getting a Ticket...

Woman Saves Kitten Lying on Highway Despite Getting a Ticket...


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Christina Hamlett was driving down the highway (288 in Virginia) when she spotted a tiny, pitiful tabby kitten on the side of the road.

She couldn't believe what she saw and rushed to the rescue.

Christina Hamlett

The kitten was lying on the side of road motionless. Christina knew that she had little time to save him from the traffic.

She made a decision to turn into the Authorized Vehicle Only area as she believed it was an emergency, but she still got a ticket for it. Despite the setback, nothing could hold her back from making sure the kitten was OK.

"I circled back and low and behold, the kitty was alive… We think he was thrown because he suffered from a head trauma," Christina told Love Meow.

She gently picked up the terrified little kitten and wrapped him in a towel. As she held him in her arms and petted him on his head, the kitten calmed down as if he knew that he was finally safe.

Supplied by Christina Hamlett

She named him "Lucky."

With help from a volunteer of St. Francis Humane Association, the kitten was taken to the vet where they began treating his injuries, and the little guy started his road to recovery.

Supplied by Christina Hamlett

That night Lucky cuddled up to his rescuer, purring up a storm.

Supplied by Christina Hamlett

It's been two weeks since Lucky was rescued from the highway. The little tabby boy has made a 180!

"He's doing great! A good friend of mine (from St. Francis Humane Association) is taking really good care of him," Christina told Love Meow.

Supplied by Christina Hamlett

Lucky is back to that playful and happy self. Despite the trauma, he continues to love and trust.

Christina visited the kitten last night and was greeted by the little bundle of joy. "I think he recognized me."

The tabby boy is now in foster care and can't wait for his forever home where he will be loved and spoiled.

Supplied by Christina Hamlett

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Related story: Man Stops Traffic to Save a Tiny Kitten in the Middle of Busy Road..

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