Woman Stops in Traffic to Save Kitten from the Brink of Death

Woman Stops in Traffic to Save Kitten from the Brink of Death


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A kind-hearted woman stopped in traffic to save a kitten found on the side of the road and brought her back to life.

Meet Moo-Moo the kitten!

Courtesy: Jason Jemmott

Samantha was driving home in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia when she spotted the kitten whose eyes were barely open.

"Luckily for her, she was found just in the nick of time... for she was headed into traffic and about to be run over," Jason Jemmott told Love Meow.

"Her savior, Samantha, was driving home and spotted a ball of fur on the side of the road. She assumed it was a dead animal but looked in her rear view mirror just as the kitten moved her head. She slammed on her brakes and pulled off the road."

Cars were honking as Samantha ran to where the baby was and scooped her up.

The kitten was crying and in need of medical attention. "She was no bigger than Samantha's palm. But she was alive."

Courtesy: Jason Jemmott

"Samantha rushed her to the vet where it was determined that the injuries she sustained were consistent with being thrown from a car," Jason said.

The kitten would need surgery to repair her jaw once she was old enough. They didn't know if she would make it through the week.

Samantha took her home and was determined to help her eat and get stronger.

Courtesy: Jason Jemmott

"The next two weeks were touch and go. Moo-Moo spent her days on a warm heating pad and would barely eat because it was so painful for her. Samantha was up every 2 hours to feed her with a syringe," Jason told Love Meow.

Moo-Moo eventually ate a little more each day and grew stronger. Her lip started to heal nicely.

"At 5 weeks old she returned to the vet. With great surprise to the staff, she was given the all clear and was told surgery most likely wasn't needed after all."

She was a fighter!

Courtesy: Jason Jemmott

Moo-Moo met Penny the English Bulldog one day and immediately took to her like she was her mom.

She adores Penny and follows her around the house like a magnet.

Courtesy: Jason Jemmott

Penny has fallen in love with the little feline friend and showers her with love and cuddles.

They are inseparable.

Courtesy: Jason Jemmott

"Moo-Moo learned the hard way that people can be so cruel and the world unforgiving, but she also learned that there are kind hearted, loving people out there who would go above and beyond for her," Jason told Love Meow.

She's come a long way!

Cuddling with Samantha who saved her in the nick of timeCourtesy: Jason Jemmott

Today, Moo-Moo is a thriving 10 week old kitten who is quite a character.

"All life is precious and worth saving. Even the tiniest of creatures."

Courtesy: Jason Jemmott

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Related story: Man Rescues Kitten from the Road and Helps Him Walk Again

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