Cat Lover Jumps into River and Has His Mercedes Dismantled to Save a Kitten

Cat Lover Jumps into River and Has His Mercedes Dismantled to Save a Kitten


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A cat lover not only jumped into a river to save a kitten, but also had his Mercedes dismantled after the little feline climbed into his car to hide.

This cat loving man (from Taiwan) said he stopped his car and saw a kitten stuck up in a tree along the side of a bridge. When he tried to climb up into the tree to rescue the kitten, the cat darted away and fell into the river beneath.

[Scroll down for video]

The man jumped into the river to save the kitten from drowning. The panicked and soaked kitten ran from her rescuers, quickly climbing up inside the engine of his Mercedes to hide. No matter how hard they tried, the kitten wouldn't come out.

He towed his car to the nearest dealership to have his engine dismantled so that they could free the kitty inside.

Removing the parts and trying to save the kitten at the dealership.

The kitten was dried off, fed and taken to the vet.

"When asked about all the time and effort Joe put into rescuing one kitten he just shrugged and said the real effort would be convincing his girlfriend to let him keep it."

Watch video: Man has his Mercedes dismantled to free trapped kitty

According to updates from Mobile01, the man adopted the kitten and brought her home. Share this story!

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