male tortie cat found forever home after 12 years

After Living on the Street for Over 10 Years, This Male Tortie Cat Found His Forever Family


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A tortie cat from Spain lived almost 10 years on the streets. When a kind-hearted woman learned about him from her neighbor, she knew she had to help him to get the best chance for a good life.

Courtesy of Cristina Piapia

"I met Creasy in 2012. I don't know his exact age at the time, but the neighbor told me that he was around 12 years old and was abandoned by his family," Cristina Piapia, an animal rescuer in Spain , told Love Meow.

"Where I live, people just give them food but no more. There are a lot of cats in this village."

Courtesy of Cristina Piapia

Cristina thought the cat was a female due to his colors until she prepared a trap to get the kitty fixed.

"I was really surprised as I had never seen a male cat with these colors," Cristina told Love Meow.

It's very rare to find a male tortoiseshell (approximately 1 in 3,000). These kitties typically have an extra X chromosome (XXY), a condition known in humans as Klinefelter syndrome.

Courtesy of Cristina Piapia

It was clear to Cristina that this little guy needed a loving home.

After getting Creasy checked out by the vet, they found out that he was FIV+, and most of his teeth had to be removed, but he was a champ and had no problem eating.

Courtesy of Cristina Piapia

Cristina got him inside and started fostering him while looking for a family so he could live out his life like a king.

Courtesy of Cristina Piapia

"After waiting for 12 long years, Creasy finally moved into his forever loving home (in 2013)."

Courtesy of Cristina Piapia

Creasy even got some feline friends at his new home. "They called Greasy the grandfather," Cristina told Love Meow.

Courtesy of Cristina Piapia

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